What is a QIF file and how to use it

QIF stands for Quicken Interchange Format. It was introduced by Quicken a long time ago as a way to transfer financial data between other software and Quicken, between bank downloads and Quicken, and is still very useful.

Use the ProperConvert app to access or convert transactions from QIF and to QIF files.

QIF is a 'standard' (not an ISO standard or an ANSI standard) used by Quicken personal finance software to export and import financial data. It is a text-based file type, meaning it can be viewed and edited with a text editor, although it is typically more convenient to use a software program specifically designed to handle QIFs.

QIFs are commonly used to store information such as bank account transactions, stock portfolio holdings, and credit card charges. This data can be imported into Quicken from other financial software programs, or from a financial institution's website, in order to keep track of personal finances.

In a QIF file format, each piece of financial data is represented by a series of fields, separated by commas or other delimiters. For example, a transaction might be represented by fields for the date, payee, amount, and account, among others. This allows the data to be organized and easily understood by both humans and software programs.

The QIF framework is supported by various financial applications (some of them listed below):

How to Convert a QIF file to CSV/Excel format

When you need to export transactions from Quicken, you would have file in QIF or QMTF formats. These files can be opened in a text editor or even in Excel as a text file, but are not easy to work with. It would be better to convert such files to CSV or Excel format first.

How to view or open a QIF file

Supported Account types

Export data from Quicken for macOS as QMTF

Quicken for macOS does not export transactions in the QIF format, but it exports as QMTF format. Thus format is close to QIF and the ProperConvert app supports it the same way as QIF.

Step by Step: Convert a QIF file to CSV/Excel format

Step 1: Start the app and select a QIF file.

You can review a QIF file before converting.

If your QIF file has dates in different formats, then your system will try to figure out for you from or your expected format. If there is no way to figure it out, you can tell it by specifying how Input dates are coming on your QIF file. For example, if dates are coming as month/day/year, then you would specify. If it is slash or dash, or dot, or apostrophe, it doesn't matter ' this is just order specified, how Dates are coming. In some QIF files, they are coming without year. And if you need to specify the year, you can start that which year those transactions belong to.

You can review all those QIF details, all those transactions details. Each transaction takes one line.

Step 2: Set output CSV parameters

The next step is to specify how you would like your CSV file to be created. It may be a CSV file, it may be an Excel file, it may be limited fields - Quickbooks Online file or Xero file, or CSV Mint file. Choose a CSV Target option.

Specify the date format for the CSV file.

Step 3: Convert to CSV/Excel and review created CSV file.

Click the 'Convert' button to create a file.

Confirm output CSV file name or change it. Then click 'Save'.

If you specify to open a file after a conversion, you can use the software associated with the CSV file. It could be Excel or Notepad for you to review created CSV file.

Why is the QIF framework so easy to use and provides quality information?

One quality of using QIF data files is that they are relatively simple and easy to work with. They can be created and edited with a text editor, and many financial software programs support importing and exporting data of this type. This makes it possible to transfer data between different programs and share data with others.

Another advantage of QIF files is that they can store a wide range of financial data, including information about bank accounts, credit cards, investments, and other assets. This allows users to keep track of all their financial information in one place, making it easier to manage their money and make informed decisions about their finances with the quality information provided.

Overall, QIF files are a useful standard for exporting and importing personal finance transactions and are widely used by individuals and businesses manufacturing or selling goods and services. Whether you are trying to keep track of your spending, save for retirement, or manage your money more effectively, using personal finance files may help you stay organized and make the most of your financial resources.

What is the difference between QIF, QFX, and QXF formats?

~ Fix or make QIF files importable into Quicken

^ QIF format allows several variants and your accounting software may not expect QIF variant you have. Use Propersoft tool to correct your QIF files.

Make your QIF file importable

Convert non-importable QIF files to importable QIF and import into

Need to import bank or credit card transactions in a QIF file into Quicken for Windows or other QIF importing software or online service, but cannot seem to make it work? The problem is that your bank only provides transactions in a format that Quicken for Windows or other QIF importing software or online service cannot read.

How can I use ProperConvert to convert QIF transaction file to importable QIF format?

Import created QIF file into Quicken 2017

Now the QIF file is created, let's switch to Quicken and import created QIF file. Before importing a QIF file make sure to backup your data. To import a QIF file, follow these steps:

Import created QIF file into Banktivity

With the QIF file created, switch to Banktivity and import created QIF file. Before importing a QIF file make sure to backup your data. To import a QIF file, follow these steps:

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